Generally, someone working a 여우알바 part-time job can expect to earn anywhere from the minimum wage to $25 per hour, depending on skills and experience. There is no fixed number of hours that one person may work part-time, and some individuals may hold multiple part-time jobs at the same time. While workers may enjoy the part-time schedule, it can feel like better jobs and benefits are limited by full-time hours.
You may pursue a part-time position because you cannot find a full-time position, you need or want to earn an additional income in addition to your existing job, or you like the flexibility or variety that these positions provide. While these jobs are higher-paying options for someone looking for part-time employment, there are plenty more out there that may work well for you.
Here are some common summer jobs opportunities for teens and college students looking to earn extra cash. If you are a college student or a teacher, a tutoring position in your field of expertise is one way to earn some extra cash without long-term commitment. For high school students who cannot work during the school year, there are many opportunities to find jobs during the summer.
High school students cannot work full-time, but can work part-time over the summer, and can accept 2nd shift jobs after school if their schedules allow. Because most speech-language pathologists have the opportunity to work in schools, they are free to enjoy the summer break as much as the professors and teachers.
Schedules are usually flexible, so it is possible to work easily around a day job or school schedule. You might be able to work remotely, and depending on your situation and job status, you might also earn paid leave or vacation.
While nine-to-five jobs with fixed schedules generally offer better predictability and stability, many people prefer flexible work options, which may offer better work-life balance. Flexible jobs enable you to balance your priorities less intensely and keep your work-life balance better. Working less hours may result in lower work-life stresses and better balance, or part-time jobs may enable you to increase income through a side gig or side business.
For example, one person may believe that his or her job offers good work-life balance as long as he or she works 40 hours a week or less, whereas another may believe that unrestricted time off allows better work-life balance.
Overall, however, these jobs on this list might provide for a good work-life balance, as well as an opportunity to work less than 40 hours a week. These jobs are only a starting point: There are plenty of jobs that demand less than 40 hours of work per week and offer a fair amount of compensation. Opportunities for making substantially more could provide some stability without the demands of full-time employment.
There are a lot of different roles out there, and a lot of customer-service jobs include working online, so it is possible to work from home. If you enjoy helping people, solving problems, and solving problems, then customer service jobs are well worth considering. Working as a customer service rep involves spending time on the phone or web, answering questions, responding to complaints, and directing customers to specific assistance.
Employers generally require a high school diploma or equivalent to fill a customer service rep role, and they offer training on the job. Each of the customer service representatives has the potential for earning more than the minimum wage, and it could be a good way to supplement income while allowing flexibility with your schedule. Whether you are looking for work on weekends, an after-school position, or strictly summer jobs, there are a variety of employment opportunities that will help teens make above minimum wage.
Teen summer jobs typically pay about minimum wage or slightly higher, so expect to make $2,000-$5,000 (before taxes) for a summers work, depending on the kind of work you land and if you are working full-time or part-time. Fitness trainers and instructors can expect to make around $19.15 an hour, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but this figure is likely to be fairly high for a teenager working in a casual gig. In general–depending on the amount of experience related to your work–you can expect to earn $7.25 to $10 an hour, minimum, with higher-skilled jobs paying upwards of $10.
Cleaning jobs, which can range from working in a residential environment to an office or hotel, are profitable positions for teenagers with little experience. Getting a job teaches important life skills, from time management, how to balance schoolwork, homework, and job demands, to interpersonal skills, how to work with people who are not a part of the household. Not only does working part-time help solve finances, it is a great way to meet new people and build critical skills thatll improve your resume.
Finding a part-time job as an international student in the United States may be easier said than done, but thankfully, most universities provide a broad array of opportunities on campus, including internships and part-time jobs. A hospitality job is one of the most flexible positions you can get, regarding how many hours you will be working, making it perfect for international students studying and working in the US. Working as a server or waitress is a common side gig, but hosting or hosting jobs may be easier for some.
Part-time graphic designers can work consistently with a single organization, or many clients depending on the project, either as part of an agency or as a freelancer, but usually they will need more substantial experience before striking out on their own. Increasingly, media companies are listing part-time jobs for writers who may work remotely–though usually requesting the job to be done around work hours.
Whether you are a high school senior or college student, you could earn a little extra cash while also having time for family, friends, vacations, and simply relaxing.